As you shop for a new home, a fireplace may be on your list of wants. Fireplaces are wonderful things to have during the cold winter months. They are also great to have simply for the ambiance they create. With a fireplace roaring in the background, your next winter party is going to be that much more successful. When you shop for your new home and examine the existing fireplaces, try not to be put off by the mantel. Just because a fireplace mantel is not exactly what you want does not mean that you cannot change it later. Carved Stone Creations is an expert in elegant fireplace mantels. We design and manufacture gorgeous stone mantels for customers on a daily basis.
What this means is that you can buy the home you love with the fireplace you want, regardless of the mantel. Then, you can partner with us to design the perfect mantel for your fireplace, a mantel that fits your homes interior design, as well as your personal style. Together, we will design a gorgeous mantel that is the ideal addition to your luxury home! It does not matter what type of mantel you want, extravagant or simple, we can handle the job. If you have finally found the perfect home and fireplace, but would like to give the mantel an overhaul, contact the experts here at Carved Stone Creations. Soon enough, you will have the perfect mantel to complement and enhance the perfect fireplace inside the perfect home your home!
Learn more about different fireplace designs in our free fireplace design guide.