As the harsh winter winds give way to the warm spring weather, it’s virtually impossible not to get excited about switching out heavy coats for light jackets. Many cannot wait to spend time outside in their own little oasis once again. However, it’s important to remember that, although you may be eager to get your stone fountain running, it was exposed to the icy weather for several months and needs to be prepared for use throughout the warm season. Here are some tips to get your stone fountain ready for spring once freezing weather has passed.
Free Your Fountain of Debris
The absolute first thing to do after winter has passed is clean your fountain. Remove all organic matter and debris, including: leaves, twigs, and dirt. This is an extremely important step. Leaving organic materials (especially leaves) in your fountain can cause staining or possibly damage the pump.
Clean Plant Life
Any plants that are in or around your fountain should be cleaned and properly pruned for spring. Remove the dead material and make sure nothing is decomposing in your fountain’s water by checking roots, leaves and inside pots. For health, safety and aesthetic purposes, you want to make sure you have clean fountain water.
Clean and Test Your Pump
Your fountain pump needs to be cleared of any pollen, leaves, dirt and other debris. Remove the pump cover to clean the filter (and impeller if it is accessible). Use an old toothbrush or cloth to gently remove any of these materials. Then, once it’s free of any obstructions, test to make sure your pump is functioning properly.
These tips will help get your stone fountain ready use after a long winter. However, to keep your fountain running smoothly throughout the season, you must clean and care for it properly. For insight on how to do this, see our article 10 Fountain Care Tips You Should Know.
By following these steps, you will have a beautiful bubbling fountain that you can enjoy all season long.